Online Forms

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OPEAR Data Request Form


Please note that all data requests require approximately three to four weeks to complete. Some requests may take longer, depending on the type of request.

Prior to submitting an OPEAR Data Ticket Form, send an email to the appropriate VP with a description of your request to obtain their approval. Request for VP approval should specify:

  1. What is the research question? What will needed data answer?
  2. Purpose/use of data.
  3. Plans for dissemination of requested data.

After completing the data request form, attach your email approval at the bottom of the form.

All fields are required

date format: MM-DD-YYYY
Minimum 15 business day turnaround.
If the request is needed sooner, please complete the form, then contact the Office of Institutional Research at 409-933-8150.
File Attachments: